Labour plans to ban under-16s buying high-caffeine energy drinks
0 2 mins 3 mths

Shops would have to check ID if they thought buyers could be under age, as they currently do with alcohol and tobacco.

Trading-standards officers would police the ban and retailers face fines of up to £2,500.

Asked why Labour would not include other high-caffeine drinks such as some coffees, leader Keir Starmer said: “Because this is aimed at children and the sort of drinks that at the moment, the energy drinks, that they are drinking.

“I mean Monster, I think, is the number one.

“Just to give you a sense of that – the caffeine in that is the equivalent of several espressos, which is why it’s having such an effect on children’s behaviour.

“Talk to anyone who’s in a school and they’ll tell you what the problem is.”

The Lib Dems says they would extend the “sugar tax” on soft drinks to juice-based and milk-based drinks that are high in added sugar.

In Scotland, meal deals are to be stripped of crisps and fizzy drinks under SNP plans to tackle an obesity crisis.

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