Pesto linked to botulism cases in France
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Botulism is a rare but life-threatening condition caused by toxins made by clostridium botulinum bacteria.

These bacteria and its spores can live in soil, and are sometimes found on the surface of fruits, vegetables and herbs.

While the spores are generally harmless, they can grow into the bacteria that make the risky neurotoxins.

The neurotoxin is among the most toxic substances known – even tiny amounts can cause illness or death.

They attack the nervous system, and can cause paralysis. This can spread to the muscles that control breathing and can be fatal in five to 10% of cases if not treated properly.

There is an antitoxin that doctors can give.

Botulism illnesses have been linked to foods such as homemade pickles and garlic in oil.

Supermarket products undergo rigorous manufacturing processes to avoid contamination in preserved foods.

That bacteria is also used to make Botox – shots used by the cosmetic industry to manage wrinkles and frown lines.

Botox has been purified though, so the toxin is controlled.

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