YogMantra | This Dubai-Based Businessman Believed Yoga Was Fluff. Then, A Retreat Helped Him Lose 11 Kgs in 16 Days – News18
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“I always thought it was easy stuff meant for women” — This is how Dr Anuraag Guglaani, board member & co-investor with multiple family business groups, and managing partner & CEO of Wazir Advisors & Admit Genius, summed up his first impression of Yoga. However, when Guglaani, an active sportsperson and a US President’s Lifetime Achievement awardee, developed back- and knee-related health issues, he began looking for a Yoga-based holistic health retreat in India with a well-laid-out routine.

He zeroed in on a centre in the southern city of Bengaluru, which had a good reputation in therapy. In a chat with me, Guglaani shared the experience of his stay and how it turned him from naysayer to a champion of Yoga.

Edited Excerpts:

‘I never believed in Yoga’

I always believed in active sports that make one sweat and tire one out and Yoga looked to me like “easy stuff meant for women”. Of course, even then I would see people doing poses that were impossible for me to attempt.

Now, though, my perspective has completely changed. I am a big promoter of Yoga therapy and Yoga for education. My experience is that Yoga gives not just strength and flexibility, but everything you ever need, without having to do any aggressive exercises, weightlifting, running, etc.

‘My back & knees were focus areas’

I am active in sports. I play tennis and am over-competitive, even though doctors tell me not to overstretch. As a result, my back is affected. Similarly, I run and if I have done 5K, I go for 7K and then push for 10K. That takes a toll on my knees.

I had been advised back surgery some years ago but a second opinion revealed that physiotherapy would be able to cure it.

When I came to the retreat , my back was in a bad shape and I was barely able to get out of bed. But by the second day, I was already feeling relief. I ended the first week, extended for a second week, and then extended to the third week until my family had to tell me that I should now return.

What I loved was that the place puts together naturopathy, meditation, yoga, diet, Ayurveda, and physiotherapy. All elements together miraculously cure your ailment. I didn’t need any pills or medicines. I worked out a discipline, ensuring I did every single part of the routine to gain maximum benefit.

The healing process is a combination of different things and I learned that all the five ‘koshas’ (layers) of existence — from the brain, to mind, heart, body, everything — are addressed and treated this way. I feel this is very essential currently as most diseases are stress-related.

‘Hadn’t aimed for weight loss but…’

In discussions with my doctor, I was told reducing weight would make a huge difference as it would lessen strain on my back and knees. When you play active sports, it’s actually three multiples of your weight that impact the affected areas.

I managed to lose 11 kilograms in 16 days. The next eight days were about trying to maintain that loss because the thing to watch out for is weight gain after the drastic weight loss. I was very happy — losing weight was a bonus and not something I had aimed for. It changed my entire look and everything changed. I became energetic, and the pain disappeared.

For the first two weeks, I focused on my back and in the third week, I moved to the knees. When I came out, my knees and back were sorted, overall detox was done, and I had a much-lighter body.

‘People said I looked much younger’

I am a social person and fortunate to be part of some very elite circles. People kept looking at me and commenting on my transformation, asking what had happened that I suddenly looked young and energetic.

I felt inspired to help others to deal with their ailments. I got myself trained to handle the two areas, the back and knees, and also began sharing knowledge related to lifestyle.

I believe anyone can get massive gains like I did. But remember, it’s not just Yoga but multiple elements around Yoga that bring benefits — meditation and ‘Saatvik’ food included. By practising this ‘holistic curing methodology’ with dedication and discipline, one can get any number of benefits.

‘Can’t dream of starting my day without Yoga now’

At the Yoga centre, I would wake up at 4.40am, go through the routine till 8pm and sleep by 9.40pm. Now that I am back home, my routine is pretty much similar.

I do an hour of yoga and then 10,000 steps of brisk walking. I live close to the sea and after my walk, I make it a point to jump into the sea for a swim. I eat a diet that supports Yoga lifestyle.

I learnt so many exercises from those yoga sessions that if I were to do all of them, it would take multiple hours. So, I have formulated my own cherry-picked, one-hour set of poses that strengthen my back and knees, and overall stretch the body.

‘Attend a Yoga retreat’

I strongly believe in the philosophy that 21 days is what it takes to form a habit. In the right surroundings and with like-minded people, you can build the routine that would be near-impossible while staying at home. Once good habits are formed, one can continue to practice at home.

I am already looking forward to my next stay, to spend time in solitude and to continue the momentum of what I have benefited from.

‘Surgery should be the last option’

Having gone through holistic therapy, I am now a very strong advocate of it. At these therapy centres, every ailment is attended to with discipline and determination. I would advise everyone to consider alternative therapy before taking medicines or going for surgery. These build you for life and cure by striking the problem at its root. Lifestyle modification stays with you forever.

The author is a journalist, cancer survivor and certified yoga teacher. She can be reached at swatikamal@gmail.com.

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